Understanding Spiritual Grounding

Understanding Spiritual Grounding

Energy workers view spiritual grounding as a means to connect to the Earth in order to achieve mental, physical and spiritual balance.  It can be a powerful and effective act that are based in tangible scientific and psychological principles.

How to ground

Grounding, also referred to as earthing, strives to reunite the bodies we inhabit as spiritual beings with their heart.  Typically, regarded as a meditative practice, grounding goes beyond to balance one’s energetic field (aura), and prevent negative energies from corrupting the various levels of the human body.

Meditation, visualizations, and chanting may be performed during your grounding.  You might also want to incorporate carrying particular stones or crystals in your pockets throughout the day to harness the energy field in impactful ways.  Some individual benefit from practicing in a quiet and natural environment, like standing barefoot in the soil or sand, while conducting meditative breathing.

Grounding benefits

Regular grounding exercises produce an array of benefits.  In addition to serving as a release for negative thoughts and emotions, grounding helps you:

  • Achieve emotional and physical stability
  • Connect deeper with your internal and external environments
  • Focus on problem solving issues rather than worrying about them

People who practice yoga often use a helping grounding practice.  They envision their feet and toes as roots, extending deep into the soil below them.  Sometimes they may picture grass growing around them while they meditate.  Their goal is to achieve synchronicity between their thoughts and practice to achieve a profound union with themselves, the Earth, and the Universe.  In mental health treatments, grounding empowers people to return their focus back to the physical body and inner environment, rather than being held hostage to their anxious or depressive thoughts and negative coping patterns.