What is Stopping Your Psychic Gifts?

Psychic Gifts

Do you feel that you aren’t able to reach your highest self and to figure out your psychic gifts? Maybe you feel that something is stopping your gifts from shining.

Here are some reasons your gifts might not be coming through!

  • Opening the Third Eye

Is your third eye open or do you need to take better care of it? Everyone has psychic gifts but the older someone gets the less they use their gifts. As a child, we have unending energy, and we are innocent and open to the energies around us. As an adult we often keep these energies hidden.

  • Allowing Energy Vampires

Putting yourself in negative spaces and around energy vampires can cause you to be negative and cause your psychic gift to be stopped. The cause of this can be imbalances of energy and this can come when you are around negative people, and you aren’t properly protected.

The body will protect itself when it’s being attacked but if you don’t learn to protect yourself from energy vampires then you will have a block in your gifts that might cause your gifts to not shine through. Make sure that you keep yourself protected.

  • Get Rid of Stress

Most people know how much stress can affect your mind, body, and soul. We know that hormonal imbalances can cause stress and anxiety and since the pineal gland is part of the endocrine system, the imbalances can cause your third eye to close up.

Since the third eye is part of your spiritual self, when you’re overly stressed you need to figure out how to ground yourself so that you can be calm and open in your gifts.

  • Going Into Nature

Most people are busy or live in the city and they don’t get to spend as much time outdoors as they should. Nature can help your mind, body, and soul. Go out and walk barefoot in the grass, sit by a tree, plant something or just be attentive to what is going on around you. Listen to the birds chirping, smell the smell of the grass or flowers and allow yourself to be present.

Doing this can reduce stress and can even reduce cortisol which is a stress induced hormone. Going out in nature can lessen your stress and it can help with depression and anxiety while opening you up to your giftings.

  • Eating Healthy and Working Out

One thing that can help you to manage stress which can cause your gifts to shut down is eating healthy and working out. As you move, your body will be less stressed, get stronger and will help you to feel better.

Eating foods like sugars and carbs help increase cortisol which is the stress hormone. Doing this can cause you to have less energy. Your body needs to be strong, and you need to make sure that you are getting the right vitamins and minerals so that you will be strong, and you will have good energies.

When you are eating unhealthily and you aren’t moving, your body will be tired, and it can cause your mind to have a blockage, and this can weaken your psychic gifts. Eat foods that nourish your body and balance your hormones. Here are some great foods to add to your diet!

    • Nuts.
    • Good fats and oils.
    • Fish.
    • Seaweed.
    • Probiotics.
    • Seeds.
    • Kava.
    • Blue Lotus.
    • Wild Dagga.
    • Pedicular is.
  • Not Being Grounded

One thing that can really hurt you is to not be grounded. Being grounded looks different for everyone and the kind of grounding that you need depends on your body. One way that you can ground yourself is through “earthing,” and this is when you go out into nature and you allow the nature to soak into your body. You can also try things like wearing crystals that can improve your mood and lessen your stress.

Another way to ground yourself is to use visualization and meditation. Doing this can help you to be grounded. Here is how to do this!

    • Stand with your feet planted to the ground or sit in an upright position.
    • Think about energy moving from your spine to the top of your crown.
    • Imagine the energy moving to the center of your forehead, your throat, heart, solar plexus, and sacrum.
    • Imagine the energy going through all of your organs.
    • Repeat until you feel grounded.

Doing all of these things will help you to have more energy and it will increase your psychic gifts and open you up to the spiritual world.


  1. This is just pseudoscientific nonsense. There’s no evidence that opening your ‘third eye’ or avoiding ‘energy vampires’ has any real effect on psychic abilities, which themselves are highly questionable.

  2. This article provides some really insightful tips! I love how it combines both physical and spiritual practices to help enhance psychic abilities. I’m definitely going to try spending more time in nature and working on grounding techniques.

  3. Despite its metaphysical leanings, this article does provide practical advice on reducing stress and promoting mental clarity. Whether or not you believe in psychic gifts, these tips could be beneficial.