Knowing and Loving Your Psychic Gift

Loving Your Psychic Gift

Everyone has some kind of gift when they come to the world such as painting, music, healing, being a leader, taking care of others, being able to organize events and so much more. Some of the gifts that we have put us in different categories while some have just one gift that they are very good at. Even as you grow, you will see that other people have similar gifts but that you are totally different than those around you.

There are gifts that are necessary and powerful, and they are important. These gifts allow you to see and feel deep things. The gifts help you to connect with the universe and to show you that you are important.

Psychic Gifts

A psychic gift isn’t something that you can just put in a box. It is a hard thing to define. Gifts are something that come from behind the earth and into the universe. These gifts are full of wisdom, ideas, visions and more. They are more than just the five senses. These are gifts that work with the sixth sense.

Kinds of Psychic Gifts

Psychic gifts are different and many of them have to do with the clair gifts. This can be clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, Clairgustance, claircognizance and clairalience. When your third eye opens which is part of your chakras, you will have more intuition. This is an inner knowing that you have.


This is a gift of being able to clearly feel things. You will be able to pick up the thoughts and emotions that other people have. This will help you to understand them. Sometimes you will have to use your intuition with these gifts.


Clairaudience is the gift of clear hearing. This means that you are able to hear things that others cannot hear. You can listen to the thoughts that people have or even hear things in the spiritual realm.


Clairvoyance is clear seeing. This means that you can see visions or things that are not physically in front of you. This can be like watching a movie.


This is clear tasting. This gift allows you to pick up information through taste. Even if there is nothing in your mouth, you might be able to taste different flavors and recognize them as important.


This gift is clear knowing. This is when you are able to know information that no one has told you.


This is the gift of clear smelling. When you have this gift, you are able to smell things in the spiritual realm and things around you. This can be a sign of someone that has died being close to you.

There are other psychic gifts including mediumship which is being able to reach into the spiritual world, telepathy that means you read the minds of others, telekinesis where you can move things with your mind and teleportation which means you can move from one place to the other without actually being there.

Knowing Your Gifts

Do you have a psychic gift? You can know what your gifts are by what you are feeling. Do you hear things that aren’t there, or do you see visions? Are you able to know what someone is feeling just by walking by them? As you get different signs, you will know what your gifts are and how to use them.

Some have gifts that they never use because they aren’t really sure what the gifts are. They embrace the idea of having a gift, but they don’t take it very seriously. You have to be willing to be taught and to learn new things.

Final Thoughts

People have gifts and they have to awaken them to be able to use them. These gifts can come to you the same way that you have learned to do other things and the same way that you are creative.

Everyone has gifts that are in them they just need to let them out so that they can use them to their full advantage.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this article. It’s a refreshing reminder of the unique capabilities we each possess. The detailed breakdown of different psychic gifts, from clairsentience to clairalience, illuminates the diverse ways we can interact with the world on a deeper level. The notion that everyone has innate gifts waiting to be discovered and nurtured is incredibly empowering. This piece truly inspires one to embrace and explore their own potential.

  2. What an enlightening article! The exploration of psychic gifts and their various forms is both fascinating and thought-provoking. It’s incredible to consider how these gifts can enhance our connection with the universe and deepen our understanding of ourselves and others. The differentiation of clair gifts is particularly insightful and offers a clear explanation for those who may be discovering their own abilities. Truly a stimulating read!

  3. The discussion on psychic gifts as part of the broader human experience is quite thought-provoking. It opens up avenues for more in-depth exploration of human potential.

  4. I find it intriguing how the article breaks down the different types of psychic gifts. It provides a clear overview that helps in understanding the nuances of each gift.

  5. The categorization of psychic gifts is quite diverse and intriguing. It’s fascinating to think about how these gifts can be developed and utilized.

    • Indeed, the exploration of these gifts has been a significant part of human culture for centuries. Understanding and harnessing them can lead to profound personal insight.

  6. While the article offers an intriguing perspective on psychic gifts, it would be interesting to see more empirical research on how these gifts manifest and can be measured.

  7. The idea that everyone has unique gifts, including psychic ones, adds an interesting dimension to the concept of individual potential.

    • Yes, and it also raises questions about how society can better support individuals in discovering and developing their unique abilities.


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