How to Trust Your Intuition

Trust Your Intuition

Your intuition is there to guide you and to help you to make good decisions in your life. If you’ve ever had to make a decision and your gut tells you not to do something or even to do something differently, this is part of your intuition.

Most people don’t have a real definition for intuition, just that you seem to know or understand something to be real even without any proof. You are able to feel this deep in your gut.

Having Intuition

Intuition isn’t something that comes from your consciousness and it isn’t something that you can learn. You can’t figure out how to make your intuition stronger by setting goals or researching it. The more you use it, the stronger it can get but that is basically the jest of it.

Those that are highly sensitive are able to understand and embrace their intuition and their gut feelings more than others because they are comfortable enough with themselves to listen and to discern things. Maybe you are able to feel the energies of people and rooms that you go in and you don’t even try but it just happens. Here are some of the intuition experiences that people have:

  • They know something is going to happen without having a real reason.
  • They have a feeling that doesn’t just go away.
  • Their emotions are strong towards someone or something.
  • Situations, flashes, or visions come out of nowhere in their mind.

Embracing Your Intuition

People that have intuition don’t have something that you can’t have. You have intuition, you are born with it, some people just choose not to use it. You can make your intuition stronger by meditating and doing other things to really connect with it.

How to Trust Your Intuition

If you want to really learn to trust your intuition, you have to practice this just like any other skill. You have to be aware that you have intuition and here are some things to make it stronger!

  • Meditation

Meditation is a way to calm your mind and to help you not to be distracted. When you have energy and mind clutter, it can be hard to listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you. Being quiet and meditating can help you to listen to your feelings and to not be so distracted.

  • Taking a Chance

You have to take a chance if you want to be able to use your intuition. When your gut tells you to do something, you have to do it. Be confident and trust your gut that you are making the right decisions. Be confident and learn to take chances without feeling too much pressure.

  • Know Your Body

It is important to know your body and what you are feeling. Most people forget to check on their bodies because they are so busy with other things in life. It is important to scan your body for stress or tension and then set goals to feel better. Be present and listen to what your body is telling you.

  • Go In Nature

There are many good reasons to go outside in nature and one is to develop your intuition. This helps you to go out and to avoid distractive thoughts by concentrating on the good things around you. Listen to the wind blow, the birds chirping and whatever sounds that nature has for you while you let your intuition guide you.

  • Put the Phone Down

Get off your phone for a while and allow your intuition to speak to you without you constantly being on your electronics. You can’t listen to your intuition if you are always on your phone. Take a few minutes to clear your mind and to put your electronics away each night.

  • Ask Your Intuition

Write down a question and think about it. Really concentrate on that question. Write down anything that comes to your mind such as guidance or something that answers your question. Focus on the question and if the answer doesn’t come now, it could be later.

  • Journaling

Journaling is one great way to help you to increase your intuition. Journaling allows you to write down your feelings and your thoughts and it helps you to be able to know when your intuition is right. Write down anytime that your intuition came to play if you listened or didn’t listen and what happened.

  • Doodle

If you are nervous about journaling just doodle some pictures in your journal. This can help you to see your thoughts in the form of drawings.

  • Dreaming

Dreaming can help to guide you and sometimes it’s hard to remember dreams. Write down the dreams that you have, and you can even start your very own dream journal. This will allow you to go back and read it again and see if you missed anything the first time.

  • Vision Board

A vision board can help you to look at pictures, quotes, or anything else that you want to have in your life. You can make a vision board that can help you to embrace your future plan s and goals. Let your imagination run wild and free as you create your very own vision board.

  • Use Tarot Cards

Talk to the tarot cards and ask them to help you to increase your intuition and to guide you on how to do this. As you draw a card, see how it directs you towards embracing your intuition.

  • Don’t Overthink

When your gut feeling comes, don’t think about it, just do it. By acting right away and listening to your intuition, you will learn that you can trust yourself more and more. Don’t overanalyze what you are feeling and know that your intuition is there to guide you for a better life and a better future.

Final Thoughts

Everyone has intuition, you just have to learn to embrace it and acknowledge that its there for you. As you listen to your intuition and you clear your mind, you can develop it and you can get the answers that you are seeking, and you can use it to help you make good decisions.


  1. The idea of using a vision board to enhance intuition aligns well with cognitive visualization techniques used in various fields. It’s a method worth exploring.

  2. It’s interesting that the article mentions not overthinking and acting on gut feelings. This aligns with heuristics in decision-making, where speed and efficiency are prioritized over analytical depth.

  3. The suggestion to use tarot cards to increase intuition is a unique approach that blends metaphysical practices with psychological self-awareness techniques. Its effectiveness would be an intriguing area for study.

  4. Going into nature to enhance intuition is a fascinating suggestion. It would be useful to understand more about the underlying mechanisms that make natural environments conducive to intuitive thinking.

  5. While the article provides multiple ways to strengthen intuition, the claim that intuition cannot be learned is intriguing and seems slightly contradictory. A deeper exploration into this paradox might be valuable.

  6. The notion that intuition can be honed through activities such as meditation and journaling is compelling. It would be interesting to see empirical research supporting these claims.

  7. The section on asking your intuition through writing questions and focusing for answers resonates with automatic writing techniques often discussed in creative writing circles.

  8. The article emphasizes the importance of knowing one’s body to strengthen intuition. This corresponds with principles in somatic psychology, which looks at the body-mind connection.


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